



Teacher Assistant, University Campus-Bio-Medico of Rome

    Introduction to the employment of high-level programming languages in enterprise software development in data processing-oriented applications in a distributed environment. I co-organized and taught both theory and practical sessions, held regular office hours, and designed and graded homework.

Computer Science
Teacher Assistant, University Campus-Bio-Medico of Rome

    Acquisition of the theoretical and practical prerequisites necessary for the proper use of statistical methods and computer science tools in the biomedical field. I taught both theory and practical sessions, held regular office hours, and designed and graded homework.


Teacher Assistant, University Campus-Bio-Medico of Rome

    Introduction to the employment of high-level programming languages in enterprise software development in data processing-oriented applications in a distributed environment. I co-organized and taught both theory and practical sessions, held regular office hours, and designed and graded homework.


Algorithmic Methods of Data Mining
Teacher Assistant, Sapienza University of Rome

    Development of the basic algorithmic techniques for data analysis and mining, with emphasis on massive data sets such as large network data. I taught both theory and practical sessions, held regular office hours, and designed and graded homework.